Stefano Canossa's profile

ReciprocArt ◦ Fractals

ReciprocArt   Fractals

ReciprocArt is a project to explore the mesmerizing diversity of the Fourier space. The project was launched with the collection "Tilings", where you can find a brief description of the underlying concepts.
Sierpiński triangle and its Fourier transform (fractal dimension: 3^7 triangles)
02. A quasi-snowflake and its Fourier transform (fractal dimension: 6x5^6 pentagons)
Hilbert curve and its Fourier transform (curve extension: 10 iterations)
Curve creation credits:
Dragon curve fractal and its Fourier transform (curve extension: 19 iterations)
Curve creation credits:
Menger sponge fractal and its Fourier transform (Fractal dimension: 8^8 squares)
Vicsek fractal and its Fourier transform (Fractal dimension: 5^5 crosses)
ReciprocArt ◦ Fractals

ReciprocArt ◦ Fractals
